CfG Communications for Growth

What we do

We write. Ad copy, direct mail, web content, press releases, case studies, corporate overviews, strategic messaging. Anything and everything that you put into the market (or internally) that says something about who you are and why you matter.

But before we write, we think. We think about your business, your customers, and about your growth opportunities. We think about who you’re really trying to communicate with. We think about what’s working for you and what isn’t.

But before we think, we listen. We listen to you and your people – executives, marketers, salespeople, product managers, engineers. But we also listen to what your competitors are saying, on their websites, in their marketing, in their PR and media coverage. If this is going to work, you’ve got to be saying something distinctive.

At CfG we believe that the secret to effective communications is connecting them directly with the aims of the business, as well as the mindset of customers.

CfG can help you with a range of requirements, from producing a single case study to a strategic review of messaging. The following are examples, please contact us to discuss your particular situation:

Case Study Development

Case studies are ineffective when they only tell a story, rather than deliver a message. CfG’s approach to case studies begins with understanding the wider market and its preferences, as well as linking to a message baseline, to ensure that a case study has the right impact on the right people.

Corporate & Product Marketing Content

Developing company or product literature specifically intended to deliver key message (not just explain how a product works!)

Communications Alignment Review

To assess the degree of alignment between (for example) web content and company ambition:

  • Is the website appealing correctly to your target market?
  • What does it say?
  • What does it leave unsaid?
  • What changes would improve the success in delivering key messages?

Message Baselining

Through discussion with your product or company leadership team, define the target messages for the different internal and external communities you recognize (customers, investors, staff, analysts, journalists...). This fresh baseline can be the basis for wider planning of PR or marketing campaigns.

PR Kick-start

Customers and commentators are two quite separate communities, who can both support your growth ambition, but need distinct communications. A PR kick-start can help you reset your PR objectives and the messages you need – and are able – to deliver to industry media.

